Sunday, 10 February 2008


For my project, I needed a question, a hypothesis, a materials list, and a procedure. I got them all in 5 minutes :-). Here they are:

Can Vitamin E slow aging?

A flower petal coated in Vitamin E will stay young and fresh longer than an untreated flower petal.

· 5 large flower petals (rose petals preferably)
· 5 plastic bags
· A marker
· A glass of water
· Several Vitamin E capsules

1. Place the first flower petal in one of the plastic bags. Using the marker, label this bag “Air”.
2. Dip the second flower petal in the water and place it inside another plastic bag. Label this bag “Water”.
3. Open the Vitamin E capsule and rub the liquid on the third and fourth flower petal. Place them inside two seperate plastic bags and label them “Vitamin E applied once” and "Vitamin E applied daily".
4. Take a petal that was left to dry for 2 days, smother it with Vitamin E and place in the fifth bag. Label the bag "Vitamin E applied on dried petal".
5. Observe the flower petals every day for at least 5 days. Reapply vitamin E on the "Vitamin E applied daily" petal every day. Record any changes in color, texture or appearance.

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